Benefits of Continuous Passive Motion Therapy

Continuous Passive Motion (CPM) machines were first introduced back in 1970 when Robert B. Salter, an orthopedic surgeon, noticed how much the immobilization of joints after surgery was unhealthy. He joined forces with an engineer John Saringer to design a device that would help patients heal after injuries and surgeries. Since people who suffer from orthopedic disorders couldn’t move on their own after the procedures, the CPM machine was there to support their joints and allow for faster recovery. 

CPM machines are used widely today, especially post-operatively after total knee replacement and ACL surgeries. Because CPM devices stimulate the blood flow and nutrition in the injured area with continuous movements, they also reduce pain, swelling, stiffness, soreness, and much more. Some would say that there are many benefits of continuous passive motion therapy devices, but what exactly are they, and how do they work?

What is a CPM machine? 

A continuous passive motion machine is a device that allows patients to slowly and gently move their joints while in sedentary positions. It is used during the first period of rehabilitation after the lower limb joint surgeries and traumas to increase the range of motion in patients and ensure a faster recovery. Basically, the CPM machine is used to move the joints when a person is not able to do it freely. Why is this important? Because it prevents stiffness, a loss of motion, and scar tissue development in the areas treated in the surgery. 

A CPM machine is often used after a total knee replacement surgery or rotator cuff repair. Doctors also recommend it after a fracture in the arm or leg or other related health conditions, especially osteoarthritis. Take knee surgery as an example. It’s common for patients to feel stiffness in the knee and difficulties with the simplest actions such as standing up from a seated position. That’s where a CPM device comes in handy. When used regularly, it proves to increase flexibility in the joints and increase the range of motion. 

How does a CPM machine work?

Now, to the question of how the CPM device increases the range of motion exactly. Well, by giving the patients the physical exercises they need yet can’t perform on their own after the surgery. The device moves the joint continuously and repeatedly through a controlled range of motion. It works just like a natural exercise, only much more controlled, so patients can’t get hurt in the process. Passive movement is crucial here because it proves to be safe for the healing phase and minimizes chances of inflammation and other complications. 

As we mentioned above, CPM therapy works to reduce joint stiffness, swelling, pain, and more. It also increases the blood flow, preventing thrombosis and other similar conditions that can come from immobility and extended recovery. 

How to use a CPM Machine?

The CPM device is pretty straightforward and easy to use. You will get a motorized device that works slowly to bend the joint back and forth at a certain number of degrees. All you need to do is place your knee or arm on the device and let it do its job. The number of movements and the speed of the machine can be adjusted easily, but you shouldn’t do it on your own. Your physical therapist will know best how many movements you need and at what speed. 

Benefits of Continuous Passive Motion Therapy

When your healthcare provider recommends a CPM machine, it can be because of these benefits it provides:

  • Increased Range of Motion. First and foremost, a CPM machine will be programmed to flex and bend your joint. The recovery will be still the same for you – filled with resting and watching favorite TV shows. During the recovery process, the machine will slowly increase the flexibility in your joints. It will happen over time, step by step, and no harm will come to your body. At the end of the therapy, you will enjoy a wider range of motion and feel less pain and stiffness in the joints. 
  • Reduced Pain. Along with pain reduction that comes from stiffness, one of the main benefits of continuous passive motion therapy is decreased swelling and inflammation. You may have less pain in your joints in general, not only when moving around. 
  • Stronger Muscles. Did you know that a CPM machine also works to strengthen your muscles? This is crucial during the recovery process because sedentary positions may weaken your muscles. A CPM device prevents this from happening by treating the muscles, tendons, and ligaments.
  • Enhanced Blood Flow. Another negative thing that could come from extended immobility is reduced blood flow. When your body doesn’t move, the blood slows down and may build up a clot. However, not all patients can move around after the surgery, especially those who went through knee replacement and repair surgeries. Luckily, a CPM device can provide the necessary therapy without any movements from your side. 
  • Faster Recovery. Lastly, CPM devices may also ensure an earlier discharge from the hospital and a lesser need for medication, which is highly beneficial for both the patients and the whole health care system. 
  • Better Quality of Life. All these things will ensure more comfort during the recovery and afterward. That means the world to patients who have undergone joint surgeries. Even the lowest increment in mobility and minimal pain reduction can make life easier. All patients out there would love to get back to their lives as soon as possible, and CPM devices allow them to do so. 

Continuous Passive Motion Therapy FAQ

Many people are interested in continuous passive motion therapy and want to find out more about it. Even with all the details provided above, you might feel like something is missing and have additional questions. To help you get a full grasp on the topic, we answer some frequently asked questions about CPM therapy in the following section. 

Who is a candidate for using a CPM machine?

A doctor or a physical therapist may recommend a CPM machine for people who have undergone knee or hip surgeries. Because the device stimulates blood flow, strengthens muscles, and promotes joint flexibility, anyone going through the surgery recovery process may benefit from using it. 

How long should I use a CPM machine?

You may need to use a CPM machine for at least 6-8 hours a day for three or more weeks. The good thing is, you can break this into several sessions or do it all at once. Because you can set it up at your home, there shouldn’t be any issues to meet the goal. 

However, keep in mind that this is a broad answer to the question. The recommended usage might vary with each patient. Your doctor will prescribe therapy that is adequate for your particular situation. Don’t take any actions yourself and follow the recommended pattern. 

Should I consult my doctor before using a CPM machine?

Absolutely! Many doctors recommend using a CPM machine after knee or hip surgery. If yours doesn’t, make sure to ask before taking any action. You shouldn’t do anything on your own, especially after having serious surgeries. Your healthcare provider will know best what benefits your condition. 

Does using a CPM machine hurt?

No, using a CPM machine is not painful. The device will gently move your arm or leg to enhance flexibility and strengthen the muscles. It will relieve pain to a great degree after a while and make the joints less stiff and stronger. 

Why Choose CPM from Pacific Biomedical 

Pacific Biomedical is one of the leading companies in orthopedic surgery recovery systems and technologies since 2007, serving our customers in the Greater Phoenix area. With a long experience in the industry and a team of highly-trained and educated professionals, we are here to aid patients in their recovery with in-home therapy systems. Among several health systems Pacific Biomedical offers, clients can also find a device that provides all the benefits of continuous passive motion therapy. 

Our CPM device is made according to all health requirements and is ideal for everyone who needs to return flexibility in the knee and hip joints and speed up post-surgery recovery. Our team will deliver the machine to your door and set it up for the first time. You will get all the necessary information about therapy and the CPM device itself so you can use it in the right way. However, it’s not likely that you will need our help at all. This CPM device is pretty straightforward and easy to figure out. You can set up all the controls within a few moments and enjoy the rest of your day from the comfort of your bed. 

Still, remember that Pacific Biomedical is always there to guide and help its clients. We offer free consultations about any of the provided services. In case you have any questions about our CPM device or anything else topic-related, don’t hesitate to contact us.


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